What you'll learn
- Basic fundamentals of Machine learning.
- Data exploration, data preprocessing, handling missing values.
- Feature engineering and exploratory data analysis.
- Data visualization techniques.
- Descriptive and inferential statistics .
- Cross – validation techniques.
- Model selection, model training, model evaluation and model prediction.
- Supervised learning, Unsupervised learning and Reinforcement learning.
- Regression, Classification, Clustering, Association rules.
- Linear regression, Logistic regression, Support vector machine, Naïve bias algorithm, Decision tree, Random forest, K-nearest neighbors and others.
- Ensemble learning – bagging and boosting.
- K-means, DBSCAN, Hierarchical clustering.
- Content based filtering and Collaborative filtering.
- Recommendation system and its working process.
- Adaboost, XGboost, Catboost, Gradient boosting, etc.
- Deep learning and Neural networks.
- Perceptron, Artificial neural networks, Feed forward neural network.
- Back-propagation algorithm.
- Weights, bias and tradeoff.
- Overfitting and underfitting.
- Activation functions, optimizers and loss / cost functions.
- Epochs, step per epochs, batch size, val epochs, learning rate, etc..
- Project management, development and deployment.
- Web scraping techniques.
- API development using FASTAPI framework.
- Working with sklearn, TensorFlow, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly.
- Hands on experience in real world projects.
- Machine learning interview questions.
- Machine learning mock interview preparation.
- Helping resume creation.
- Carry your own laptop with decent configurations
- Knowledge about Python programming language.
Course overview
Course outcome
Installing anaconda, jupyter notebook
Working with environments
Introduction of Machine learning
Importance of Machine learning
Industrial applications of Machine learning
Problem statement analysis
Numerical and categorical variables
Types of Machine learning
Machine learning pipeline
Explore various data exploration methods
Handling missing values methods
Working with Pandas, Numpy and Sklearn libraries
One-hot encoder and label encoder
Data normalization, data standardization and quantiles
Handling outliers
Descriptive statistics - mean, mode, median, standard deviation, variance, etc.
Data distributions, skewness and kurtosis
Inferential statistics - various feature selection techniques, statistical tastings, hypothesis testing
Dimensionality reduction techniques – PCA, LDA, etc.
Grid search, random search
Cross – validation techniques
Group by and pivot table
Perform exploratory data analysis (EDA)
Project 1
Project 2
Introduction of Data visualization
Importance of Data visualization
Explanation of various graphs / charts
Practical with Matplotlib, Seaborn and Plotly libraries
Project 1
Project 2
Getting started with Supervised learning
Types of Supervised learning
Explanation of Regression technique
Algorithms of Regression technique
Model evaluation methods for regression
Use cases of Regression technique
Explanation of Classification technique
Algorithms of Classification technique
Model evaluation methods for Classification
Use cases of Classification technique
Linear Regression
Logistic Regressionn
Support vector machine
Naïve bias algorithm
Decision tree
Random forest
K-nearest neighbors and others
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
Introduction of Ensemble learning
Types of Ensemble learning
Workflow of Ensemble learning
Explanation of Bagging technique
Algorithms of Bagging technique
Explanation of Boosting technique
Types of Boosting technique
Algorithms of Boosting technique
Gradient boosting and others
Project 1
Project 2
Getting started with Unsupervised learning
Types of Unsupervised learning
Explanation of Clustering technique
Algorithms of Clustering technique
Model evaluation methods for Clustering
Use cases of Clustering technique
K-means, DBSCAN, Hierarchical clustering
Explanation of Association rules technique
Algorithms of Association rules technique
Model evaluation methods for Association rules
Use cases of Association rules technique
Content based filtering and Collaborative filtering
Recommendation system and its working process
Project 1
Project 2
Introduction of Reinforcement learning
Working process of Reinforcement learning
Algorithms of Reinforcement learning
Applications of Reinforcement learning
Introduction of Deep learning
Importance of Deep learning
Explanation about Neural networks
Types of Neural networks
Architecture of Neural networks
Workflow of Neural networks
Feed forword propagation
Back propagation
Weights and bias
Weights and bias initialization techniques
Handling overfitting and underfitting
Regularizations and dropouts
Batch normalization
Explanation on activation functions
Various types of activation functions
Explanation on loss / cost functions
Various types of loss / cost functions
Explanation on optimizers functions
Various types of optimizers functions
Learn about hyper parameters – epochs, step per epochs, batch size, val epochs, learning rate, etc.
Working with TensorFlow library
Building a custom Artificial neural networks
Project 1
Project 2
Introduction of Computer vision
Introduction of Natura Language Processing
Web scraping techniques
FASTAPI development
GitHub management
Project deployment
Level up your Kaggle profile
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